The refreshing sweetness of horchata makes it the ideal drink to serve any crowd! The little ones get a Chocolately non-dairy treat, while the grown-ups can get their own original cocktail by adding an ounce (or two) of liquor.
Here at the Taza Test Kitchen, we’re making it easy to celebrate 2 holidays at once – add a shot of bourbon to the horchata to turn a classic Mexican drink that’s perfect for Cinco de Mayo into a Derby-inspired cocktail!
Yields 4-5 servings
1 Taza Cinnamon Chocolate Disc
1 cup white rice
4 cups water
1/4 cup sugar
Pinch of salt
4 ounces bourbon or rum (optional)
To Prepare:
1. In a blender combine Taza Cinnamon Chocolate Disc, rice and water and pulse until chocolate and rice are finely ground. Cover and let sit in the refrigerator overnight.
2. When ready to serve, strain horchata through cheese cloth to remove all the solids, then whisk in 1/2 cup of sugar until dissolved. Serve over ice, or add 1 shot of bourbon per 6 ounces horchata for a more adult cocktail.