
Good Year For:
It was hot and dry in northern Haiti for most of the year, ideal conditions for drying cacao beans after they finish fermenting.
Political Activism
In an effort to hold authorities accountable for poor governance and corruption, thousands of citizens joined strikes, marches, and other protests calling for a change in the system and the President's resignation.
Growing Families
Several members of the PISA Team welcomed new members of their families over the last year. We are very happy for them!
Challenging Year For:
A lack of rain stressed cacao trees (among other crops) and resulted in smaller than normal cacao beans at harvest.
Business Stability
Ongoing protests and multiple roadblocks paralyzed much of the country and made collecting and exporting cacao extremely difficult.
Visiting Our Partners
Due to the civil unrest, we were unable to visit our friends at PISA this year; but we are in regular communication, of course.
*Price based on FOB terms and equal to the negotiated fixed price or to the negotiated premium plus the world market price on the day the contract is closed
**Price the individual farmer receives for their cacao prior to its further processing, packing and export. Taza's 2016 Transparency Report, "Let's Talk Price" provides an in-depth exploration of the topic
*** Wages are paid in local currency and are translated into USD, but are not adjusted for purchasing power or a country's cost of living. Where a range is given, wages vary based on type of work and skill and experience level. In all cases, our Partners pay employees at or above their country's minimum wage
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